Welcome to the Polyphagous Dragon!

Hearty greetings from the Rainbow Dragon to all visitors to my digital kitchen in the blogosphere!

As my blog title suggests, these pages contain a wild mix of recipes which sample a wide range of flavours and cultures. I won't even try to apply an over-arching theme to this project other than to say that every dish is about creating good food!

The Polyphagous Dragon offers multiple options for site navigation in the sidebar panels. Use the Contents box to search for recipes by dish type, the Blog Archives to search for a specific recipe by title or the Ingredients Index to pull up all recipes that feature a particular ingredient. See also my Cooking Philosophy notes for further insights.

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Friday, July 20, 2007

Cranberry-Raspberry Crumble

This dessert is full of flavour and actually pretty good for you.

Apologies for mixing metric and imperial measures. The fruit is sold frozen in bags of that size in my neighbourhood, and the crumble topping is adapted from an old British recipe of my mother's. If you need help with conversions, try this calculator.

  • 600 grams raspberries
  • 600 grams cranberries
  • 4 oz whole wheat flour
  • 4 oz oats
  • 4 oz (1/2 cup) butter, melted
  • 2 oz brown sugar


Mix fruit together in large pyrex baking dish.
In a separate bowl mix topping ingredients until well combined.
Spread topping over fruit.
Bake in pre-heated oven (400°F) for 20 minutes.
Enjoy warm or chilled.

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